Monday, December 7, 2009

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

Seymour Herald - 15 May 1952
  There was a large attendance at the Mothers' Day service and program Sunday. The children furnished a nice program for the mothers to enjoy. The program was in charge of Mrs. Marvelle McElvain and Mrs. Richard Mincks. The offering for food relief was $20.
  W. E. Hawkins of Davenport spent the week end here and while here sold his residence to H. L. Stark. It will be remembered that they lost their home by fire only a short while ago and will move to the Hawkins residence at once.
  Mrs. Lyda Bollman returned May 3 from Des Moines where she had spend several days with her sonh, Clay Hickie, and family.
  Mrs. Chester Jarnigan and two sons returned to their home in Des Moines Thursday after spending a week at the parental James Felkner home.
 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leaning returned last Sunday to their home in Liberal, Kans. Mrs. Leaning had spent several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Morris, and Mr. Leaning spent the week end there. 
  Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stark spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Lee Evans and daughter, Miss Edna Evans, at Walnut City. Stark's sister, Mrs. G. T. Harris of Maryland, also was a guest in the Evans home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mincks of Cedar Falls spent Mothers' Day with Billy's mother, Mrs. Charley McGavran and Mr. McGavran.
  Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen of Iowa City spent the week end at the Bert F. Murphy and K. E. Owen home. The Richard Owens of Glenwood also spent Sunday at the K. E. Owen home and visited his mother, Mrs. S. J. Owen, who is improved after a long illness. She is being cared for by her daughter, Miss Dorothy, at her son's home.
  Miss Mary Hawkins of Seymour spent Sunday with Miss Susie Sidles and attended the Mothers' Day service here.
  Mrs. Carl Hamm returned last Saturday from Davenport where she spent the week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Jones.
  Forty-one women attended the Mothers' Day breakfast May 8. Mrs. M. R. Gonzalez had charge of the program and Mrs. James Felkner and Mrs. W. R. Hefner served the breakfast.
  Tommy Wilson, who has spent several months in Yuma, Ariz., is at home now helping his father on the farm.
  Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sidles and two sons of Ames, Mrs. Grace Armstron and Mrs. Janice Sidles of Seymour spent Sunday in the Peter Sidles home.
  Miss Phyllis Hamm and friend of Davenport visited Sunday in the parental Carl Ham home.
  Roy Strawser is a patient at the Veterans hospital in Des Moines with a heart condition. I. E. Fry is taking his place as janitor of the school. This is the last week of school and May 16 is the last day.
  The Paul McElvain family spent Mothers' Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shorts, in Centerville. 
  The M.Y.F. met last Wednesday with a recreation period on the school grounds and the devotional meeting in the church.
  The Paul Ervin family visited Sunday afternoon at the Glenn Brown home.
  Mrs. Merle Loofburrow and son returned home several days ago from the St. Joseph's hospital in Centerville where Donald Robert was born May 1.
  The W.S.C.S. will have its all-day meeting May 29. There will be installation of offices. Mrs. Joe Beer will lead the worship service and Mrs. William Clark will conduct the lesson. Mrs. Marvelle McElvain and Mrs. Delbert Foster will be hostesses. 
  Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hickie and family of Promise City spent Sunday with Mrs. Lyda Bollman and the John Hickie family.

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